Unique features
- In most technical jobs the first years are characterized thereby that you (as a computer scientist) have to acquire the specification of the technical domain or (as an engineer) have to understand relevant IT-based planning-and control systems. As a digital engineer, you receive the basics already in your studies.
- Many master degree studies are a direct continuance of the lecture-centred bachelor studies. Digital Engineering breaks here. Half of your studies consist of practical work on real research and development projects.
- Because of the high proportion of project work not just clear survey of knowledge keeps in the foreground, but you earn important social competences in the area of planning, organization and capacity for teamwork.
- Digital Engineering rises not from an established scientific field but from dynamic growing requirements of modern technology developments. Therefore the education is focused on abilities that can help to invent new innovations.
- Living multidisciplinarity is the core element of Digital Engineering. Therewith you earn a high degree of flexibility and it opens a high scope of possible employers.